Contact us

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contact details
Leuvensesteenweg 262 B1, 1910 Kampenhout
+32 16 60 98 00
Business hours
  • Bezoek uitsluitend op afspraak

Legal information


Leuvensesteenweg 262/1, 1910 Kampenhout

+32 16 60 98 00

VAT: BE 0443.204.480

Liability Insurance: BA en borgstelling via NV AXA Belgium (polisnr. 730.390.160)

Company number: 0443.204.480

Registered real estate agent
Stefaan Gillis - BIV 205 029 - Belgiƫ
Rina Colson - BIV 504 861 - Belgiƫ

Regulatory agency:
Institut professionnel des agents immobiliers (IPI) - Luxemburgstraat 16 B, 1000 Brussel
Subject to IPI's deontological code

Member of CIb Vlaanderen (Confederation of Real Estate professions in Flanders)